At a Glance


EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS: Rebecca Brightly (2023-24), Cordelia Hollingsworth (2020-23), Caitlin Pontrella (2017-2020), Tyson Cecka (2009-2017).

FOUNDING BOARD: Tyson Cecka, Rafe Kelley, Janine Cundy, Chris Pascual, Christian Hogan, Sam Wilson, Beth Kelley

LOCATIONS: First gym opened in 2009 in Fremont (2300 sq. ft). In 2011, we moved to a larger (10,000 sq. ft.) space on Nickerson Street in Queen Anne. In 2016, the gym moved to Airport Way. In 2017, our gym shut down, but we expanded our classes to various locations across greater Seattle area. In 2021, we opened our Portland branch.

*#OF STUDENTS SERVED as of 2024: 25,000+

#OF BUILT DESIGN PROJECTS, starting in 2015: 10