PKV Moves is now Leap to Lead


We’ve redesigned, rebranded, and released all of our content for free!

Covid almost tanked us, but the community has provided incredible enthusiasm and financial support. Because of your support, all of our videos and other content are now freely accessible.

PKV Moves is now Leap to Lead. Leap to Lead is our curriculum for learning parkour and leadership. Parkour is so much more than an amazing movement style. Parkour is a way of life.

At Leap to Lead online, you can download our Challenge Map and start honing your skills immediately. We have dozens of videos, articles, and other resources to help you dig deeper into your movement practice.

You’ll notice we made major design updates, too. With a navigation bar across the top, you should have an easier time finding what you’re looking for.

Lastly, we need your help. We want to keep expanding and improving Leap to Lead online. The community relies on our monthly sustaining donors to help provide access to these free learning resources.

Your donation also supports our amazing coaches and helps us advocate for more playable spaces in Seattle and beyond.

Help bring parkour to more people and become a donor today.