Videos from our Kids' Parkour Summer Camps 2023
Parents, guardians, students, and everyone else!
Coach David here. I wanted to take a moment to brag about our students from our 2023 Summer Camp season. Over the season's final weeks, we tasked some camp students to work with their coaches to create and perform parkour lines, which would be pieced together into video edits. The kiddos did not disappoint!
These videos are worth a watch. It’s amazing how much our students can learn in a few short days, and watching their interest and creativity blossom is one of the greatest gifts our parkour coaches can receive. We hope you enjoy these videos as much as our coaches enjoyed piecing them together with our students.
Parkour teaches the foundational human movements of jumping, balancing, vaulting, rolling, and quadrupedal movement (crawling). There is no more joyful way to practice such a wide range of skills! Filmed at the Urban Art and Play camp at Phinney Neighborhood Assoociation.
Filmed in Portland during our Lights, Camera, Action Camp, the next two videos showcase the creativity and parkour skills taught in our programs. Thanks to coach Jason for videoing and editing!
This video shows a variety of lines, challenges, and creative group choreography.
When kids confront physical and mental challenges in a supportive environment, they can come up with extraordinary, creative solutions.
Classic chase scene. Make sure to watch all the way to the end!
PKV uses a play-based curriculum that teaches movement and leadership through games and challenges. Play takes the pressure off to achieve so kids can immerse themselves in the experience, learn teamwork, and collaborate on problem-solving.
Thanks for watching!