Winter registration is now open!

Our high-energy kids and teens parkour classes will have students jumping, climbing, swinging, and rolling safely through local parks and play spaces. Students learn to move creatively and efficiently, overcome fear, and collaborate in a non-competitive social environment. Learn more.

Our Winter season runs January 5 – March 23. This season, our Primary Location is the University of Washington in Seattle. We will also run satellite programs at Paramount Park in Shoreline, WA and N. SeaTac Park in SeaTac, WA. We are also in talks with Garfield Community Center and Tukwila Community Center about running indoor programs at their facilities this winter.

If you encounter any issues, please email for support.

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Winter updates:

  • Moved registration from 6crickets to Sawyer & added memberships for families and adults.

  • Winter 2024 classes will be 12 weeks long

  • Introducing “Primary Parkour” and “Gentle Guardian + Wild Child” Parent/Child classes for neurodivergent students.

  • Introducting “Gentle Parkour” for adults.

  • Youth Team is accepting new applicants.

  • Once-A-Month free jams for youth team participants.

unattainable new insurance requirements for Seattle parks & Rec:

  • Fall sessions are now 14 weeks long, instead of 12 weeks.

  • Youth foundations and Intermediate have been wrapped into All Levels. See program details for more information.

  • Youth Team is accepting new applicants for kids and teens.

  • Every other week free jams for youth team participants.



Class Descriptions

  • Ages: 6-9, 8-12, 10-15
    Session length: 12 weeks
    Prerequisites: No experience necessary

    This program develops confidence and parkour skills, covering jumping, vaulting, climbing, balance, and quadrupedal movement. Each class includes ukemi (falling safety) and skill applications like games and obstacle courses. Students of all levels will begin classes together and then branch off into distinct groups for skill practice, based on their individual capabilities and experience. This allows students to bond with friends across their age group during games and group activities and still allows students to develop skills based on their personal capacity and physical competency.

  • Ages: 8-15
    Session length: 12 weeks
    Prerequisites: No experience necessary

    Learn the foundations of acrobatics and how to apply them in parkour lines. Freerunning students learn to build creativity and self-expression through movement. This class covers parkour foundations along with freerunning basics like inversions, twists, line building, air awareness, and falling safety. Students should expect to take this class for multiple seasons to learn, review, and improve their skills.

    This is an all-levels class appropriate for students with 0-12+ months of parkour experience.

  • Ages: 4-9 with parent/guardian participation
    Session length: 6 weeks
    Prerequisites: No experience necessary

    In this intergenerational class, parents will work with their children to develop parkour skills taught by the instructor. Parkour classes are high-energy, interactive experiences. Students learn to move creatively and efficiently in a collaborative social environment. Every session includes a warm-up and cool-down, falling safety (ukemi), skill practice, movement games, and obstacle courses.

    This class requires parent or guardian participation and youth of age 4-9.

    Please register and fill out waivers for ALL family members: